Friday, November 4, 2011

ABC Jesus Loves Me - Week 9, Review

We skipped a week to play a little catch up, in case you were wondering if I forgot that 8 comes after 7.  

This week's goals:
Bible Theme/Story:  God Made The Animals/Creation Days 1-6
Bible Verse:  I Thessalonians 2:13
Books:  Old McDonald Had A Farm, Five Little Speckled Frogs, Good Night, Gorilla, Moo, Baa, La La La!
Color:  Red, Blue, Green, Yellow
Letters: A-K
Number: 1-3
Shapes:  Circle, Line, Square
Information:  First Name and last name
Self-Care and Manners:  Use Fork and Spoon, Place dirty clothes in laundry, Pick up toys
Fine Motor Skill:  Finger paint
Gross Motor Skill:  Hop like a kangaroo

This was a review week to cover the above material; and every day we did a little something:

God Made the Animals

We played with the 5 Green Frogs again, but this time under the table!  We also played with the animals under the table, including cleaning them up.  Isaiah loved finishing his Creation Book and then reading it to me several times.  He is also a champ at the animal sounds!  We also enjoyed some sticker action again with some very colorful fish.

We all became very familiar with ducks, as Little Sister enjoyed her duck costume.

Numbers and Shapes

We made some more wooden squares, and the kids spun each other around in the laundry basket again, since they enjoyed it so much the week before.

He liked glue so much that I just let him practice on a blank paper.  Good fine motor stuff, right?

Fine Motor Skills

Isaiah's getting better and better at using his fork.  This week he scarfed down a whole Polish sausage at Sam's, and those things are huge!

Check out the grip on that marker!

He also enjoyed destroying an egg carton with his sister, which I cleaned up for days.

Gross Motor

Um, hopping like a kangaroo wasn't really in the cards for us, but he's getting quite adept at wheeling himself around in his chair.  We've found Sam's to be a great practice area with it's wide aisles.  He's a great helper in the shopping, too!

Our family enjoyed the Fall Festival of the church we attend locally, and a member of the church was kind enough to help Isaiah play all the games.  She's a 3rd year OT, so he even got some therapy thrown in for fun.

Faves of the week:

Isaiah:  I think he enjoyed playing under the table as much as anything else!  We did lots of things under the table this week.  And since God blessed us with a new table, I can even fit underneath it!

Mama:  I loved watching Isaiah and Nadia together as the King Josiah and his duck.

And who couldn't love this "funny face"?

I'm still a week behind in my posting, so this was actually 2 weeks ago, but hey, who's counting?  We just have fun, and if it gets recorded, then all's the better.  Check out ABC Jesus Loves Me for more wonderful lesson plans!

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