Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Another Start

So, we're starting school this week.  We kind of did this morning, though I didn't tell the kids.  We played games with our new My Father's World curriculum.  I felt happy when Nadia kept saying, "I want to do this AGAIN!"

So this year we're using Rod and Staff preschool workbooks, My Father's World preschool "curriculum" (it's mostly fun toys, so I use "curriculum" loosely) and the alphabet.  We'll continue to read from our Bibles for Bible time, and we'll get as much outside time as possible while there's still nice weather.

Our second week of school will be full of adventure as grandparents are coming to visit.

This year my goals are simple:  Interact with my littles as much as possible, Encourage Isaiah's communication skills, Try to help Nadia get out as much energy as possible.

You may or may not read periodic updates on what we're doing, so keep your expectations low.  I'm going to go clean the guest room.

As I type this Nadia is "sleeping" and apparently did something she knows isn't allowed because she's saying "Sorry 'bout that, Mommy" over and over.  Maybe I can get the desk cleaned up before she decides there's no way she's staying in bed any longer.  Isaiah's completely content it sounds as he listens to his beloved Piper.

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